Technical translations, skill and specialisation
We specialise in the translation of technical documents in numerous industries. We ensure that the translations satisfy requirements in the target country and can be easily understood by both a technical expert and an end user. Our lengthy experience allows us to offer custom solutions tailored to each individual project, with the support of human knowledge and state-of-the-art translation tools.
We ensure excellence in this area by choosing translators with certified experience and providing them with appropriate technological tools and continuous feedback from the client. We know that every instruction, every conversion and every term must be treated carefully. Translating is not just transposing a sentence from one language to another. Translating means knowing the technical terms, the product characteristics and the conventions of a branched and specialised world.
Artbook uses state-of-the-art CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) systems to improve translator efficiency and reduce processing costs.
Client-specific translation memories and termbases help to ensure consistency and accuracy between different projects, resulting in shorter delivery times and reduced costs.
We manage each job as a comprehensive project, from setup to delivery, always keeping the focus on the client’s needs. We raise the level of quality and reduce times and costs by using dedicated software to create and update customised terminology databases. The most advanced technology in the industry allows translators to have real-time access to existing translations and specific glossaries, ensuring consistency over time, even on large projects.
Technical translations are our core business. We have translated thousands of technical manuals and it would be impossible to list all the jobs we have undertaken since we started in 1997. Our strength lies in the fact that we deliver a final product ready for publication to our clients. Yours may be a niche sector, but it will probably be nothing new to us. Contact us to discover more.
• Analysis and risk documents
• Assembly manuals
• Catalogues
• Commissioning manuals
• Distributor manuals
• Electronic manuals
• Instruction leaflets
• Maintenance manuals
• Online guides
• Operator manuals
• Patents
• Price lists
• Product data sheets
• Quality manuals
• Repair manuals
• Safety data sheets
• Safety manuals
• Start-up manuals
• Supply manuals
• Technical data sheets
• Training manuals
• User guides
• User manuals
• Workshop manuals