Are your translators native speakers of the language into which they translate?

They certainly are! We have professional translators all over the world. Our project managers assign the projects to the most suitable native speaker, based on the target language, the sector of the translation and other parameters. For example, all the translators we use for the diving industry are certified divers themselves.

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Does a translator translate all topics?

Truly professional translators do not translate any type of topic, because they have specific and extremely precise skills. Our translators are always specialised in the topic they translate and have many years of experience. They also only translate into their own native tongue. For example, an Italian translator will never be asked to translate a [...]

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Can you translate my website?

Yes, we can. We can either translate your website working directly on the source code or in Word, Excel or other types of files into which you have transcribed the content of your website. In certain cases, we can work directly on Wordpress and arrange publication directly.

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In what formats can I provide the files to be translated?

We can work with most of the file formats currently available on the market. The most commonly used ones are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign, Illustrator, PhotoShop, Adobe Acrobat, QuarkXpress, AutoCad, HTML, XML, CMS and WordPress. Contact us for specific needs.

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I have a document on paper or in non-editable format. Can you translate it?

We certainly can! We also translate documents on paper or in non-editable files, such as images or protected PDF documents. Depending on the size of the project and the complexity of the layout, these documents could require slightly more time for translation.

By |2022-11-21T15:42:39+01:00November 21st, 2022||Comments Off on I have a document on paper or in non-editable format. Can you translate it?

Do you provide certified translations?

Together with the actual translation, we can also provide a certificate of compliance certifying that the translation has been carried out by a professional translator who is a native speaker and that it is faithful to the original. This certification is not equivalent to a sworn translation, which is performed by a translator officially appointed [...]

By |2022-11-21T15:42:33+01:00November 21st, 2022||Comments Off on Do you provide certified translations?

Do you provide sworn translations?

We regularly provide specific accessory services for legal translations, such as sworn translation, legalisation or Apostille certification, true copies and consular stamps. We prepare the documents necessary for these services and deliver the final document to you, legally valid in both Italy and abroad.

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How is confidentiality of the documents guaranteed?

We are a conscientious company, so we take this aspect very seriously. We care about our clients and all the documentation they place in our hands. We operate in full compliance with personal data protection legislation and maintain the strictest confidentiality on all our projects. All of our collaborators sign confidentiality agreements on the information [...]

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